Eric’s Voice Overs Uk

Find me on, ACX, VoicesUk and Linked In

I am a native Uk British (English) speaker, 18-35 years profile, with a clear, neutral, masculine voice. I have a proven track record of voice over work with a reputation for getting jobs done ahead of time. I have a 5 star ratings with fantastic reviews.

Equipment – AT2020 microphone with external interface, pop filters, acoustically treated quiet space and professional software.

My Demo’s :

The Star – A Pathworking from the Crowley Deck Tarot (Uk English)

'The Star' from the Crowley Tarot Deck

This was a creative work pathworking the dynamics in ‘The Star’ from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck. I used GPT4o to describe then I humanised it to make it pack a punch.

Forest Meditation Pathworking

Forest Meditation pathworking by Eric Fisher

I have a life long interest in meditation thought I would like to do some meditation voice over gigs. I did a pine forest meditation script using Gpt4o then humanising. I did the voice over using AT2020 microphone with audio interface and sound proofed studio.

Cranky Blacksmith

This was an extract from a fantasy tale featuring the Blacksmith, an imposing, eccentric and significant figure in this story (

‘Blacksmith’ An imposing character from a fantasy pod.

Unlock the Forbidden Secrets of Astrology – native Uk English adult

Did in accordance with ACX criteria for exposure in the Audiobook market. Brief intro to the mysteries of Astrology. Did it in an engaging, friendly and enthusiastic style.

Apocalypse – The Day the Seas Burned

This was an extract from a Science Fiction Pod I did about the path to an Apocalypse (on ACX).

Codebreakers – into the unknown

This was an extract from another science fiction scene in a post-apocalyptic scenario with a group of tech geeks messing with time travel and reality – oh you crazy kids, you know this won’t end well ! (ACX).

Find me on VoicesUK

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